Mount Olympus, Greece’s highest mountain is in the northern part of Greece.

Mount Olympus’ highest peak is Mytikas. Rising to an elevation of 2918m. Due to its proximity to the coastline, and the rough relief characterizing its western side Mount Olympus has proved a difficult crossing point for numerous aspiring conquerors of the Greek territory since the ancient times. ”Mytikas or Pantheon” is spaced about 18km from the coastline, giving the impression that the mountain rises from the sea.

Mount Olympus is an independent structure, in contrast to Pindos complex on the western Greece which is the natural extension of central Europe’s alpine Orogeny. Mount Olympus is geologically connected to the Pilion and Kissavos mountains in the south. Mount Olympus is a circular complex with a perimeter of 80km, covering an area of approximately 500 km2.

Mount Olympus is located 90km from the city of Thessaloniki and 400km from Athens, which are the locations of the two biggest airports of Greece.

In 1981 Mount Olympus was declared by UNESCO as a ”Biosphere Reserve”, whereas the EU has included Olympus National Park in its list of the most important bird habitat areas.

Mount Olympus is generally characterized by steep slopes and sharp ridges that are divided by canyons.  The north part of the mountain is characterized by steep slopes and deep canyons, while the southern part of the mountain is characterized by much smoother relief.

The climate of Mount Olympus is differentiated in relation to elevation, orientation and distance from the sea. In general, the part below 1000m is a mediterranean type climate, while the part above 2000m offer’s several climatic characteristics, closer to temperate.

Settlements have been mentioned since the Neolithic period (7000 BC) in various locations along the Olympic coastline. In higher regions closer to the mountain settlements have been mentioned during the Bronze Age (3000 – 1100 BC). Since then, the human presence, became more frequent, culminating in the last century.

The paths used today, by many climbers and travelers to climb the highest peaks and explore the mountain, where once the main way for numerus activities, such as trade, crusades etc.

Olympic Coastline.

The region of Litochoro is a place that combines mountain and sea, the GREEN & BLUE.

It is covered by the shadow of the mythical Olympus and enjoys the coolness of the Thermaic Gulf with golden sand beaches and blue waters. Comfortable long beaches with touristic traffic, as well as small remote bays, are all freely given to the traveler, as they are free and accessible to all.